31 Days: Move
After a long week, sometimes the hardest thing for me to do is to get moving on the weekend. I’ve spent the entire workweek running crazy, multi-tasking so many things at once, that on the weekends my brain just decides to go on strike… and if that means I’m not getting going, well… that’s my problem.
It’s honestly a problem most weeks. I struggle to find motivation to get the things I genuinely need to get done. And that snowballs, making the projects more overwhelming, which makes me less enthusiastic to get moving on them…and the circle continues.
And now I find myself daydreaming… not even wanting to move my fingers to type.
Must be Saturday…
This post is part of my annual participation in the Write 31 Days Challenge. This year I am joining a group of writers on a Five Minute Free Write journey throughout the month.