April Goals
A quarter of this year has passed already? Yikes, it’s going fast! March was such a whirlwind here that I’m all confused. We’re finally getting around to our St. Patrick’s Day dinner today. Spring flowers are a full month ahead of schedule, and the plants are all confused, so the blooms aren’t anywhere as vibrant as they normally are. But hey, I’ll take it – it’s a lovely sunny spring morning around here and warm enough to open some of the windows and air out the house. We have a cat in each open window, and I’m taking advantage of a brief lull in all of the insanity for today.
I’ve been doing some thinking about my stitching for April. I didn’t set myself any goals for March, and I think that kept me a bit unfocused. Theme-a-licious completely bombed for me – and WIPocalypse wasn’t too far behind. I’m hoping with a (reasonable) plan, I feel better about my progress this month and maybe get a couple of finishes.
The Theme-a-licious theme for April is “Amazon April” – a month to push forward on your largest WIPs. Me? Large projects? Hmm… in theory, I could just merge March and April together as one theme, considering what I have going in my stash! But I need to keep this sane, so I’m instead going to pick three big projects for work this month:
- Deep Blue Sea (Chatelaine) – I want to get this as close to up to date as possible. I’m just about done with part one. I also want to get through parts two (and at least part of three). More than that and actually be caught up? Gravy.
- Floral Bellpull (Wentzler) – As my primary TW project for the year, I just want to push this forward so I can have a finish by the end of the year. Goals for this month would just involve getting as many stitches as I can into block 5.
- Why I Love New England (Sampler Needlework) – No real goals here. I’d just like to put some stitches in it.
My general goals for the month will be:
- Complete part one and part two of Deep Blue Sea, and work on part three.
- Put 10 hours of stitching into Floral Bellpull.
- Put 10 hours of stitching into Why I Love New England
- Catch up on TAST stitching.
- Finish my Mirabilia RR
- Stitch on one other piece (for commutes)
I’m hoping for a good month. I don’t think these are unreasonable goals. If I make them all, I’m definitely going to be feeling good and on top of things.
I’m off to get my weekend cleaning finished up and the corned beef in the pot. Hopefully I can settle down with some stitching for most of the day!
Happy weekend, everyone!