Hi everyone! I’m officially ready for spring – the cold weather has just been constant, and while we haven’t had as much snow as other areas have recently, we got that oh-so-wonderful (not) combo of several inches of snow followed by several inches of rain, turning everything into slush that then froze into an ice […]
As promised in my entry yesterday – here’s how my finish of Plenty by Hands on Design turned out. The up-close stitchy finish looked like this, complete with a couple stray cat hairs because… it’s my house: I decided to finish mine as a flat ornament using sturdy cardboard for my background. I each cardboard […]
It’s been a busy, busy month of stitching for me. I’ve been participating in Semi Sane Stitcher’s Snowball party game on Facebook, along with the group’s “Choose My Wip” challenge, where the other participants choose which piece of your offerings needs 500 stitches that week. I’ve completed two of those weeks, bombed the third, and […]
Hi everyone! January is almost over – it’s been quite the month! I hope you were able to kick off your 2025 stitching successfully and are having fun, whether you’re meeting personal goals or just stitching to stitch. 🙂 I’m straddling both ideas at the moment and enjoying myself, even as I make a total […]
Hi everyone! So… I went to get this post up and realized – I forgot to post the December Wrap Up entry! EEP! I’m so sorry! I had it in drafts but never set the posting date. My family returned from our trip down to Florida to visit my mom for Christmas week, and I […]
I’ll be challenging myself with my fairly large To-Be-Read pile in my house to fit books to various challenges this year. I may not complete them all, or I may extend them beyond 2025 just because, but I’ll give them my best shot. 🙂 These are the ones that looked particularly interesting to me. I […]
One of my goals in 2024 was to read more. I’d fallen completely out of reading during Covid due to all of the chaos – trying to work full-time remote while also training multiple people remotely to do my job (which changes in both scope and workflow nearly monthly), helping my son as a first-grader […]
I’m turning 50 in 2025, and I decided that as part of celebrating my half century turn around the sun, I’m going to do a Stitch What I Want, When I Want year. If I want to start something new? Cool – go for it. If I focus on a piece for a while? That’s […]
Current WIPs Note: Must have been started prior to 2025. Bolded means I have worked on them in 2025. Legacy/UFO Projects Note: These are projects, either started before 2013 or that I’ve adopted from others but have not yet stitched on personally, that are in a holding pattern – especially because I have too many […]
Hi everyone! Here we are – the end of 2024! How did you do on your stitching goals this year? My year was a little uneven. I managed to do quite a lot of stitching, but at the end of it all – only three finishes. but… I focused a lot on one specific piece, […]