If you’re looking to check in with your WIPocalypse updates, here’s the correct post. Due to some insanity, I missed my update entirely for April, so my progress is actually two months’ worth of work. I’ve made some good progress on a few different pieces and have finished one WIP. I’m starting to really see some […]
Happy May everyone! Can you believe we’re already on month #5? This year is absolutely flying. I’ve been hearing from several stitchers how they’re making great progress this month, and I’m thrilled that the SAL is working so well for so many people! I’ve had a couple folks ask if I’d be interested in continuing […]
Deep Blue Sea had a bit of an adventure last month. I’d hoped to finish part one completely, but before I could get those other waves done, I had a catastrophe. Or properly spelled, a CAT-astrophe. Notably of the “claiming by cat pee” variety. One of the cats did a drive-by on my stitching bag, […]
To kick off the stitching updates this month… I have a finish! This is Ye Olde Coffee House from Little House Needleworks. I started it last year in late August and finished it on April 20th. It’s stitched in Sullivans threads in lieu of the DMC colors on the pattern on an older piece of […]
I haven’t meant to be so quiet in my blogging lately. Work has been the main culprit keeping me away. I’m getting home, completely exhausted, and the last thing I want to do is plug into a computer again (after hours of it at work). I also had some phone photo issues (now fixed) which […]
My goals for April were… My goals for May are… I’m choosing my pieces this month primarily to tie in with the Theme-a-Licious theme for May, which is “May Memories,” a time to focus on class pieces, event pieces, or other pieces with some sort of special meaning. Pocketful of Peppermint and Four Seasons of […]
Hi everyone! I’m going to be away for the weekend, so I wanted to get the check-in post up before the chaos of packing takes over my life tomorrow evening. I’ll be getting my own report up probably once I return on Sunday night. Important SAL announcements Sad News – It is with great sadness that […]
A quarter of this year has passed already? Yikes, it’s going fast! March was such a whirlwind here that I’m all confused. We’re finally getting around to our St. Patrick’s Day dinner today. Spring flowers are a full month ahead of schedule, and the plants are all confused, so the blooms aren’t anywhere as vibrant […]
Ever regret taking a week of vacation, even though you absolutely needed it? That would be me. The volume of work that was dumped on my desk during my absence in the first week of March has kept me scrambling all month. Any stress release that was gained on vacation, gone and re-replaced with even […]
Hello again everybody! I hope February was a productive month for you all with your projects. I’ve seen some gorgeous work from so many of you as I’ve been browsing blogs! Looking forward to seeing what you have done in the past month! Important SAL announcements Please Label Your Posts -(just a reminder) Either with the […]