It’s the new moon – and it’s the first of the year, so it’s time to empty the jar and start fresh for the Totally Useless Stitch-a-Long. I’d been filling my jar for two years, so to see it this empty is a bit… weird. My orts from the last two years have been put into a […]
This weekend is International Hermit and Stitch Weekend! Grab a project (or two… or four), curl up, get some stitching done, and share with the world. It’s kind of like WIPocalypse, but much shorter and even more freeform. 🙂 BUT WAIT – It’s also Jardin January for Theme-a-licious, which means that my selection for this […]
I have two weeks of Take a Stitch Tuesday updates to show. Last week’s stitch was the Buttonhole Stitch, and this week’s was Feather Stitch. Both are related, but I like how they look side by side where you can see the slight difference in technique. I confess – I did NOT do well with […]
For some reason, life has been absolutely non-stop since about mid-November. I’m thankful I haven’t had any five-day work weeks since Christmas week because honestly, I desperately need the longer weekends right now purely for recovery. This week was no different in the insanity, although it took a different twist. Erich’s job was transferred to […]
I can’t tell you how amazed, fascinated, and excited I am that so many people are stopping by to check in stitching progress. I admit to being a bit like a little kid, stealing peeks at the check-in entry to see how large the number of posts is now – and my goodness, this is happening […]
Time for the first check-in! How have your first few days been going? I’m planning to post the check-in a couple days before the full moon every month, partially so it’s available for our Aussie and Kiwi stitchers who start the posting date several hours ahead of me, and partially because I’m aware that […]
Thanks to the amazingly talented Rahenna, we have linky buttons! (If you’re not familiar with the piece featured in the buttons, it’s Dragon Rampart from Teresa Wentzler). You’re not required to have one of these on your blog, but please feel free to grab one of them for either your sidebar or your check-in posts! Edit: […]
I decided that since I was taking time this year to work on my own pieces that doing some knowledge expansion was probably also a good idea. I’d run across a few blogs that had interesting little doodle samplers, followed the linky trail, and found myself at Pin Tangle, which hosts a perfect little educational stitch-a-long […]
Before I get to my stitching… thank you to all who sent kind words to me on my end of year blog post. I really do appreciate it. I’m hoping 2012 will be much better. *crossing fingers* My first two days of Crazy January are now complete, and I have two projects underway: I know […]
Thanks to a long delay on Amtrak last week, I made a good amount of progress on my oldest UFO – Cats on a Staircase. Everything in blue and the beginning of that cat tail with the hanging thread was completed this month. It’s probably my largest block of solid progress on the piece in, well, years. […]