After I finished Witches Wheel last year, I realized I had no Halloween-themed cross stitch going. How on earth did that happen? It’s my favorite holiday of the year! I quickly resolved that issue by joining the Black Needle Society’s #13StitchesofHalloween stitch-a-long last October, tossing several new Halloween charts into the mix. One of the […]
Hi everyone! Autumn arrived here yesterday in wet and windy fashion – it’s barely 60 degrees (16C), and I can feel the cold and damp creeping into the walls of the house. Definitely good huddle under a quilt and stitch the weekend away weather! I’m ready for autumn, though – I love the crisper mornings […]
I am generally not a huge Americana stitcher. I’m hyper-aware that American patriotism has always tended to be a little over the top for many of our foreign friends… and things just have gone into bizarro world in the last decade. It admittedly has deterred me from a lot of projects that I may have […]
Things have been a little crazy here in Measiland in recent weeks, and I misplaced this project, throwing my whole updating mojo into a funk. But it’s been found! So now catching up on some much-needed WIPGO. Backdating some entries to keep them in proper sequence 🙂 – Mel Like everything else in 2020, stitching […]
Witchy Stitcher has offered a spooky mystery stitch-a-long for the past few years. Two things are certain with her designs – 1) the individual pieces are going to be reasonably sized sections (except maybe the border), and 2) you need to have a good supply of DMC 310. Preferably via a cone, which she has […]
I haven’t kept up with my end-of-month stitching updates as I’d hoped for the past couple of months. While I work to sort out projects for status updates, I figured I’d do some life ones too. It’s been quite a while since I’ve had a non-stitchy blog post. 🙂 Max is a few days away […]
Hi everyone! There’s definitely a feeling of impending autumn in the air here in New England. The humidity of summer shut off a couple weeks ago. The leaves are starting to get a lighter tinge to them, and the mornings have had a crispness that I absolutely love. Before that, though, the traditional checklists to […]
Several years ago there was a lovely shop out in Western Massachusetts called Chris’ Collection. I was only able to visit it in person once – as she was starting to close down. But I enjoyed shopping with her in her pop-up shop at Sticher’s Hideaway several times in Mystic. I purchased this kit during […]
You know when you have that project that has been in your stash for eons – for so long that you were pretty sure you’d already started it, but when it came up in your WIPGO project list – you discovered that no… you had never put a single stitch into it? Just me? Oh. […]
When Blackbird Designs designer Barb Adams died in 2021, a stitch-a-long was organized online for anyone who wanted to participate. I’d never stitched a Blackbird before, although I’d long loved the designs. I just hadn’t jumped in yet. This SAL seemed like the correct opportunity. I chose, like several other stitchers, What Remains. At the […]