Considering how wild April was around here… I got quite a bit done on my projects! I’m happy. April’s short-short version, in no order of priority, are: And onto the April stitchy updates. The theme of this month was “frogging and move forward.” Oh, so much miscounting that had to be fixed to get anywhere. […]
Hello everyone! I apparently do not understand that if the 23rd falls on a Sunday, that there’s another Sunday in the month unless that month happens to be February. Yikes! So sorry if that caused any confusion. Hopefully you just rolled along with it as I did. Spring has exploded here in New England – […]
For the past two years, I’ve been attending a stitching retreat in Troy, New Hampshire at The Inn at East Hill Farm. It’s held the first weekend of November – so past peak for the autumn color, but still early enough in the crossover to winter that the weather shouldn’t be too iffy. The farm […]
One of the biggest reasons I love the boxes from The Black Needle Society is their new-to-me stash suppliers. I love receiving patterns, floss, fabric, and all the fun doo-dads from sources I’d never heard of. Even in the wild world of the internet, these new discoveries are thrilling. I feel like it has helped […]
Book of Ink Circles, often called “BoINK” on blogs, was a free piece offered by Ink Circles on their website back in 2008. I remember quite a few folks stitching it back then. Folks made some alterations to the corner designs, and there were lots of color changes. Like so many pieces that have a […]
The past month is a bit of a blur for me. The super busy season that I normally have at work in the spring arrived a month early in early March, rather than mid-April, and it took me by surprise. It’s not a bad thing – it means that I should be able to enjoy […]
April numbers have been announced, and a whole new month of projects is on my plate! I have another month of variety to stitch on, which makes me happy. First up is Early Americans by Little House Needleworks, which was released as separate patterns. I am doing the entire 9-part series as a single 9-patch […]
Hello everyone! Apologies for being nearly a week late for this check-in. My family and I were away at a convention last weekend, and I didn’t have the expected connection on Sunday morning at the hotel – which I found odd considering it was a video gaming convention. But anyway… by time we got home […]
My final WIPGO piece for March was started last year on October 5th for the #13StitchesofHalloween Stitch-a-Long (SAL). It had been an individual SAL the year before with mystery releases, but I decided to just collect the charts and stitch on my own time. This piece is a little cutsey for my normal stitching taste, […]
Continuing my March WIPGO pulls… this week brings me to Celestial Medley from Sudberry House. This leaflet has three small celestial patterns, but the only one I’m stitching is the one called Celestial Shaker Box. All three were designed by Donna Vermillion Giampa. This is an older leaflet, from 1997. I adopted this piece alongside […]