Challenges/Stitch-A-Longs Stitching Works in Progress

Jardin January Wrap-Up/February Goals

Since today’s the last day of January, it’s time to recap my progress for Theme-a-licious’s January “Jardin January” theme.  I didn’t get anything done beyond what I did last week for IHSW, but still… I made good progress on Floral Bellpull.  I’m happy, although the backstitching is still looming at me.  But hey, it’s a Wentzler […]

Challenges/Stitch-A-Longs Stitching Works in Progress

The weekend where ALL of my SALs converge

This weekend is International Hermit and Stitch Weekend!  Grab a project (or two… or four), curl up, get some stitching done, and share with the world. It’s kind of like WIPocalypse, but much shorter and even more freeform.  🙂 BUT WAIT – It’s also Jardin January for Theme-a-licious, which means that my selection for this […]