Hello everyone! I apparently do not understand that if the 23rd falls on a Sunday, that there’s another Sunday in the month unless that month happens to be February. Yikes! So sorry if that caused any confusion. Hopefully you just rolled along with it as I did. Spring has exploded here in New England – […]
The past month is a bit of a blur for me. The super busy season that I normally have at work in the spring arrived a month early in early March, rather than mid-April, and it took me by surprise. It’s not a bad thing – it means that I should be able to enjoy […]
Hello everyone! Apologies for being nearly a week late for this check-in. My family and I were away at a convention last weekend, and I didn’t have the expected connection on Sunday morning at the hotel – which I found odd considering it was a video gaming convention. But anyway… by time we got home […]
What a crazy month! I felt like I was just running crazy all of February and just in a funk. Maybe it was delayed emotion from January’s losses of Carol and Noby, I don’t know. But I just was a big ball of crabby for the better part of the month. I finally took a […]
Hello everyone! I’m finishing up a much needed week’s vacation from work today. The first half of the week was spent at home, split between a bit of housework, a bit of personal self-care/self-interest projects, and battling the latest in a long line of minor head colds. (whee). The latter half I spent away at […]
The rollercoaster that I’d mentioned in my January 16th post continued through last weekend, and so I’m now behind in updating what’s been going on in my stitchy life. Along with Carol’s passing, we had to say goodbye to the last of our original band of (pre-Max) cats, Noby, who crossed the Rainbow Bridge on […]
Hello everyone! New Year’s Day was just last week, wasn’t it? This month went weirdly fast. I’d fallen into the rhythm of the last three years where months seemed to go both quickly and slowly at the same time – the Covid Time Paradox. But January went just… fast. Too fast, honestly. I hope that […]
Hello everyone! New Year, New Energy! Thank you for joining me on another crazy year of stitching on projects and making progress. I’m still amused that a little joke of a comment back in 2011 turned into this multi-year SAL. 🙂 I hope that your year is successful with your WIPs and that you enjoy […]
Hello everyone! It’s the last hours of 2022 – dark and foggy here in New England, but oddly warm for this time of year. Like most New Year’s Eves, my family is staying in and playing board games, watching movies, and just having a quiet hang-out. I enjoy these quiet ways to send out the […]
Hello everyone! I’m a little later today – sorry! We had a friend visiting for the holiday weekend, and after he headed home this morning, Erich, Max and I took care of hanging lights outside before some expected rain. With a couple tasks out of the way, we’re settling into our normal Sunday late afternoon […]