Challenges/Stitch-A-Longs Stitching Works in Progress

January stitching progress…

It’s been a busy, busy month of stitching for me. I’ve been participating in Semi Sane Stitcher’s Snowball party game on Facebook, along with the group’s “Choose My Wip” challenge, where the other participants choose which piece of your offerings needs 500 stitches that week. I’ve completed two of those weeks, bombed the third, and […]

Challenges/Stitch-A-Longs Stitching Works in Progress

WIPGO 2023 – Week 36 – Blessed Be

After I finished Witches Wheel last year, I realized I had no Halloween-themed cross stitch going. How on earth did that happen? It’s my favorite holiday of the year! I quickly resolved that issue by joining the Black Needle Society’s #13StitchesofHalloween stitch-a-long last October, tossing several new Halloween charts into the mix. One of the […]