Last year I joined the Tudor Rose Sampler Guild (abbreviated TRSG going forward) to participate in an online class for Amy Mitten’s Mute But Not Silent project. The class was great – a blend of new-to-me stitches (cut work!!!) and some history about Dutch samplers. I’d also been curious about joining a formal stitching guild, […]
Last year I stumbled upon an interesting stitch-a-long called WIPGO, which was themed as a year-long Bingo game. It was created by Jessie Marie on her FlossTube, “Jessie Marie Does Stuff.” Draw a 5×5 Bingo board, number the squares right to left, 1-25. Leave the center square (#13) as a free space, and then fill […]
It’s been quite a bit since I did a stitching recap. I’ve been so busy the last few months between the 100 Days of HAED stitch-a-long and getting Max ready for school that I honestly can’t remember what I have and haven’t updated… so I’ll just focus on the stuff I’m working right now. 🙂 […]
November’s absolutely flown by… between work craziness and school routines switching again, I feel like I’ve missed the entire month in some ways. Somehow I’ve managed to get some good stitching done, including a nearly complete happy dance. Hooray!! So to start – the in-progress piece. This is the Steotchalong 2018, which is a “pay […]
If you’re looking to check in with your WIPocalypse updates, here’s the correct post. Due to some insanity, I missed my update entirely for April, so my progress is actually two months’ worth of work. I’ve made some good progress on a few different pieces and have finished one WIP. I’m starting to really see some […]
Deep Blue Sea had a bit of an adventure last month. I’d hoped to finish part one completely, but before I could get those other waves done, I had a catastrophe. Or properly spelled, a CAT-astrophe. Notably of the “claiming by cat pee” variety. One of the cats did a drive-by on my stitching bag, […]
Apparently the posts I thought I had saved to publish while I was away not only didn’t publish, but I somehow didn’t save them. Boo. So much for the blogging every day this month thing. (Ah well.) Good news: my laptop is fixed! Apparently it was the video card. The good news was that said […]
Just a heads up if you’re trying to reach me – my MacBook decided it wanted to throw me for a loop, and for some reason it won’t reboot. Since I have cash tied up in other commitments, I’m sharing a computer with my husband for a few weeks until I can get it fixed. So […]
Hi to everyone popping on for WIPocalypse browsing! If you read me often, the first half of this post is likely stuff you’ve seen before. It’s been a good month since my last update. I gave up on Crazy January (and don’t plan on ever attempting it again). I returned instead to a few pieces […]
Since today’s the last day of January, it’s time to recap my progress for Theme-a-licious’s January “Jardin January” theme. I didn’t get anything done beyond what I did last week for IHSW, but still… I made good progress on Floral Bellpull. I’m happy, although the backstitching is still looming at me. But hey, it’s a Wentzler […]