Challenges/Stitch-A-Longs Stitching Works in Progress

The weekend where ALL of my SALs converge

This weekend is International Hermit and Stitch Weekend!  Grab a project (or two… or four), curl up, get some stitching done, and share with the world. It’s kind of like WIPocalypse, but much shorter and even more freeform.  🙂 BUT WAIT – It’s also Jardin January for Theme-a-licious, which means that my selection for this […]

Celebrations & Holidays Family & Friends Life, Work, and All The Rest Stitching Works in Progress

Deep breath after a long week

For some reason, life has been absolutely non-stop since about mid-November.  I’m thankful I haven’t had any five-day work weeks since Christmas week because honestly, I desperately need the longer weekends right now purely for recovery. This week was no different in the insanity, although it took a different twist.  Erich’s job was transferred to […]

Celebrations & Holidays Challenges/Stitch-A-Longs Family & Friends Life, Work, and All The Rest Stitching Works in Progress

Oldest UFO – December Update

Thanks to a long delay on Amtrak last week, I made a good amount of progress on my oldest UFO – Cats on a Staircase.  Everything in blue and the beginning of that cat tail with the hanging thread was completed this month.  It’s probably my largest block of solid progress on the piece in, well, years. […]