Challenges/Stitch-A-Longs Stitching

Crazy January Days 1 and 2

Before I get to my stitching… thank you to all who sent kind words to me on my end of year blog post.  I really do appreciate it.  I’m hoping 2012 will be much better.  *crossing fingers*

My first two days of Crazy January are now complete, and I have two projects underway:

Deep Blue Sea - starting progress on 1/1/12
Deep Blue Sea (Mystery XV) by Chatelaine, stitched on 28 ct Phantom by Picture This Plus. Started 1/1/12.

I know the blue is blending in right now – it won’t once I get the colors surrounding it done. Of course, I already have frogging to do because I fail to count to four. But at this point, it won’t be too bad.

I’m using conversions to Vicky Clayton silks as opposed to the called-for Glorianas and Dinky Dyes.

I’ll be doing some more work on this over the weekend, but I need to get it on bars. The fabric is just too heavy for me to work in a q-snap in hand. It’s actually giving me sore forearms. So I need to find my lap frame supports and get this on my scroll frame.

Today I spent the afternoon at my friend Tricia’s house stitching with her and Amanda, one of her friends via work, and I finally got a long-time-screaming start underway:

Why I Love New England - starting progress on 1/2/12
I Love New England by The Sampler Needlework. Stitched on 32 ct antique white linen (Zweigart). Started 1/2/12.

So it’s been a productive couple of days. But yes – I need to get my bars out. Heavy fabric = sore arms for me!

Tomorrow I start TAST, which should be a fun little learning project for me – it’s a freeform sampler of specialty stitches, once per week.  I’m planning on using various remainder threads, so the color combination might be a bit epic – but it will be a fun doodle piece to relax with once per week.

Back to work tomorrow… so off to bed.  Happy stitching all!