February Wrap-Up
What a crazy month! I felt like I was just running crazy all of February and just in a funk. Maybe it was delayed emotion from January’s losses of Carol and Noby, I don’t know. But I just was a big ball of crabby for the better part of the month. I finally took a week off from work President’s Day week since it was also school vacation week here in Rhode Island. That definitely helped a bit. I could have used another week, though. but I have a couple more vacation days to enjoy with Erich and Max at the PaxEast gaming convention later this month.
I don’t know – I’m just a little mentally off. (sigh) Hopefully I shake it soon. I’ve been wanting to do a FlossTube video too… but haven’t been able to since early December due to various illness rounds and rough voices. Maybe I’ll try to get something filmed later today.
Stitching-wise, February was a good month. I finished my WIPGO goals – two days each on Fruits of Plenty, Deep Blue Sea, Bayun Cat, and Dear Rine. I’d hoped to fully finish one of my smalls, but didn’t. But I did get some progress made on some other stitching I was itching to do. The “Stitch What You Want When You Want” philosophy is a good one. 🙂
Onto the stitchy updates…
I spent a good portion of the month focused on The Fruits of Plenty. I really wanted to get the original February portion done. Didn’t quite get there, but I made a lot of progress and I’m very happy. I’m taking a break from it this month to focus on another piece, but I’ll be picking it back up in April.

I did wind up having to do some frogging on Fruits to start the month – my original heart outline was miscounted. I discovered it as I started to do the blue fill-in pattern… and then discovered it was STILL off as I finished the fill pattern- but it’s even. So I just made a quick adjustment to my fill-in. It won’t affect anything else. And now my “mistake on every piece” record continues to be 100%. 🙂
Of all of the pieces I worked in February, Bayun Cat was the one that I feel most satisfied with. It just moved along, and I feel like I have a good placement of the center of the piece now – the rest should flow nicely.

Bayun is tricky to photograph – my camera tends to really wash it out. I had to over-saturate the photo a bit to really get the true color of how pretty and variegated those yellow and orange flosses are. I love the little houses that the cat is curled around. 🙂
Dear Rine got two days worth of stitching for WIPGO, but I confess that I’m just not really feeling this one right now. I managed to get a full circle and a portion done. So… yeah, not a lot. But that’s ok. That’s my whole goal with WIPGO – to just get something into these WIPs. Even if it’s a few stitches. My mood will likely change at some point and then I’ll get into a zone with this one and plug ahead.

I’m working on circles to see what I’m going to be able to fit from the original pattern since my fabric is a different shape than what’s called for. I think I’m going to end up 4 circles short of the full pattern – I think I’ll manage to fit 45 comfortably – 5 rows of 9. Then I just have to decide which of the circles I’m not as interested in stitching. The geometrics I can eliminate easily. It’s the animals that are harder!
The final WIPGO piece of the month I worked on was Deep Blue Sea, and my goodness I struggled! I was fighting the fabric, I was fighting my chart. UGH. I think it’s honestly just because I find the Chatelaine charts a little hard to wrangle. It’s like working on a Wentzler in a way – a lot more concentration is needed to get stuff done.

Once I figured out what the heck I was doing, I did manage to move through another quarter of the coral in section 3, though. I’ve left this on my Lowery frame for now. I forgot to finish a little bit of the coral in the top center section. I’d also like to get the straight band stripe done on the left before I put it away to rest for a bit. Depending on how this year continues to go… this may be my focus piece during the summer. It’s one that I really do just need to settle in with for a while to get into the right mindset. Once I do that, progress comes pretty decently.
So that was all of the WIPGO stitching for the month. Goals accomplished – yay! Then it was time to settle into whatever else I felt like working on while I was away for a couple nights with friends. Normally I attend Stitcher’s Hideaway in February. This year I was a bit tight on funds due to cats and kids and all sorts of things, BUT… my friend Christine and I had already reserved our room at the end of the retreat last year outside of the block rate. So I decided to still go up to the hotel to get away, stitch, and just have a mental health retreat to try to shake this funk. It kinda helped, it kinda didn’t. A little drama there… but it’s over and done. Overall, I had a nice time. It was good to spend time with Christine and one of our other friends, Val, who I only get to see a couple times per year due to distance. I do think like with so many other things post-Covid, stitching retreat life is starting to change direction a bit. We’ll see where it leads.
I did a slight bit of stitching on I Love New England, but forgot to photograph a before photo. It wasn’t anything exciting though – about 300 stitches on the border in a straight line. That’s coming up for WIPGO for March, though – and is my focus piece for the month. So I’ll do before and after photos on that for March.
I set a goal for myself to finish the tree limbs in my Temperature Tree for 2021 so I can finally get the leaves on there and finish it. I’m happy to have completed that goal in February!

Now I have twelve limbs ready for daily leaves. I have the temperature records written down through the end of October for that year. Just need to get the rest of the year written down, and I can start patching in leaves! The heart gap on the trunk is my own custom addition – I’ll scratch my initials and the year in there. It just felt… right. One of my friends suggested stitching this year’s leaves in there, but I have other temperature charts selected for 2022 and 2023. I don’t mind having it backdated. I’m taking a one-month break for this one, and then I’m going to start plugging the leaves in. This will be a definite finish for this year – likely sometime this summer. I can’t wait to see all of the colors blossom!

Finally, I started one of the other temperature charts I just mentioned. This one’s for 2022. It’s called Temperature Drink Shelf from Kristi DiClemente (KristisCornerNeedle on Etsy)
I will be changing the top “Grab Yo Drank” to “Na Zdrowie” since I come from a good Polish heritage family. I’m going to use the same threads and color chart for this one as I am for the tree for 2021. Here’s my very little start on it:

I’m stitching the glasses as I go along that shelf partially to help with the counting. It’s a looooong shelf. Like… 180 stitches long. But once I have one in, it’ll be much easier for the rest of the months!
And that’s the insanity for February. Lots of stuff worked on! Every stitch counts… 🙂
I’m sorry to hear you’ve been in a bit of a funk but glad you had a good stitching month! I guess you can always stitch those circles you can’t fit on Dear Rine seperatly, maybe as a bookmark or something?
Love your temperature projects especially! I don’t have one going this year, and I’m kind of missing it.