January 2024 WIPocalypse Check-In
Hi everyone!

Happy end of January! It’s been a wild month here in the Measi household with flooding rains, multiple cars deciding they were at the end of their lifetimes, and winter illnesses that felt like they just didn’t want to give us up (but did, in fact, want to let us down…). I’m honestly looking forward to February starting!
I hope that you’re meeting your stitching goals so far this year… but if not, remember – the year is still relatively new. You have plenty of time! 🙂 Go crush those stitchy goals!
My largest goal for the year in regards to stitching is doing a proper purge of my stash. Between freebie tables at retreats and a bit too much Covid-time purchasing, I have way too much stuff and need to do some honesty challenges with myself about some projects and whether I’ll ever stitch them. Plus I need to whittle out magazines that are just sitting collecting dust. It’s a bit overwhelming, and I need to wrangle. I’ve made good progress in organizing patterns so far by doing a first-pass logging on an Excel spreadsheet to whittle out any duplicates and easy “no, I won’t stitch that” charts … but oh my goodness I have too much stash.
What are your big goals for the year?
March Stitching Challenge
For planning in advance – March will be our first monthly focus challenge. Pick one piece that you want to make progress on and commit to stitching at least one stitch per night on it. Thirty-one stitches doesn’t seem like a lot, of course, but… chances are you’ll do at least a small batch of stitches on a piece every night that way. And if life is being absolutely insane? You just do a stitch. Miss a day? Do two stitches and you’re caught up. It’s a low-key challenge but has worked surprisingly well to help a lot of people make significant progress on a piece! 🙂 If you can’t join us for March, this challenge will run again in June and October this year.
As always, these are optional. Further on them can be found via the link in the Important SAL Announcements below, or at the very top of my blog in the link bar.
Have a lovely February full of stitching… I’ll see you next month!
Important SAL Announcements…
Question of the Month:Â Tell us about the oldest WIP you have in your stash.
Next posting date:Â February 25, 2024
Topic(s) for next time:Â What stitch-a-longs (SALs) are you participating in this year?
Need all the basic info about the SAL? GO HERE for all details for 2024!
Please remember that this stitch-a-long is intended to be fun – so if you’re too busy to post, too busy/ill/etc. to stitch – no worries! Post when you can and share what you have going, even if you’ve only been able to toss a single stitch into it. If you miss a few months, not a problem – just jump back in when you’re back with us! It’s not a race or a competition – we’re all just here to cheer each other on with our progress.