Challenges/Stitch-A-Longs Life, Work, and All The Rest Stitching

Late Check-ins: TUSAL and WIPocalypse

Ever regret taking a week of vacation, even though you absolutely needed it? That would be me. The volume of work that was dumped on my desk during my absence in the first week of March has kept me scrambling all month. Any stress release that was gained on vacation, gone and re-replaced with even more stress.


I won’t go into it much on a public blog, but I’m feeling incredibly overwhelmed and burnt out these days. I’m hoping the feeling will pass, although I’m thinking it may be a permanent situation, and that’s frustrating me a lot.  I just feel that no matter how hard I try, I will never feel like I’m caught up – or at least keeping pace – with the workload I’m assigned.  And that’s sadly taking a mental toll on me.

Due to all of the work craziness, I haven’t had any energy to do blog updates. I have done some stitching, and forgot to update for the WIPocalypse this month.  In a way I somewhat did already do that with my post-Stitcher’s Hideaway recap. So retro-actively, I’m going to turn that into my recap post. No sense in doing photos now when the next recap is approaching quickly, I think.  I’ve been kind of doing the grab-and-go method of stitching this month, and haven’t been switching projects out like originally planned for the month.

TUSAL 3-24-12

My TUSAL jar has gotten a workout over the past few weeks. I took it to the stitching retreat at the beginning of the month, and it acquired not only my own orts, but the orts of some of the women who were sitting next/across from me, including some yarn orts from needlepoint (that’s not cheating, is it?)  🙂  The orts from me are from a whole mess of projects, and it’s now sitting at a lofty 1/3 jar full.

As I logged in to do this entry, I saw that Rose over at Christmas City Stitcher kindly gave me the Liebster Blog award, which is given from blogger to blogger to share fellow blogs that have inspired and motivated them.  Thank you Rose!  I want to give some thought and a proper blog post to the blogs I’ll be offering the award to, so I’ll update once my brain is in a slightly better, clearer place with the blogs I’d like to offer it to (and come up with things that people don’t know about me).

I have a blogoversary coming up this week – perhaps I’ll do it on the 29th to celebrate.  🙂  My blog’s a “tweenager” now.  Perhaps I should do tweeney facts about myself!  Anything in particular you think the world should know about me?  Ask away!

I’m going to kick back and attempt some stitching to relax away the rest of my evening – see you around the blogosphere (hopefully) soon!