Challenges/Stitch-A-Longs Stitching Works in Progress

Look who arrived home this weekend!

I didn’t expect to see a package from Annette until today at the earliest, but to my surprise when I went onto our mud porch on Sunday afternoon… there she was!  It turned out way better than I ever expected, thanks to the seven wonderful women who stitched on her.

That last square (and space in the center) is for me to finish up.  Originally Venetian Opulence was charted for the set, but I’m having some second thoughts and waffling toward possibly stitching Enchanted Mermaid… and possibly flipping her so she’s facing left.  I’ll be pondering which one I’ll actually place there over the next couple weeks.  I don’t plan on getting started on my square until Yule and Christmas chaos are over.

I can’t wait to have everything finished so I can get it framed and up on the wall!

It may have been my first Mirabilia round robin, but it will definitely not be my last.  Sometime 2013 onward, I may just have to jump in one of these again!


It’s time for International Hermit and Stitch Weekend (aka IHSW), which fellow stitchers may be seeing on blogs over the next week.  Stress-free stitching on whatever you choose for the weekend.  I will be pulling out whatever project screams loudest at me to curl up with on Sunday afternoon.  The SAL is open to all – so if you’re looking for an excuse to relax and be crafty during the holiday chaos, click on over to Joysze’s blog and sign up!