May 2022 WIPocalypse Check-In
Hello everyone!
I hope your stitching is going well! It’s a holiday weekend here – Memorial Day, to remember our military members who sacrificed their lives defending the United States. It’s of course, not really a “happy” holiday, but regardless, I hope that my fellow Americans are having a peaceful holiday weekend. And for those not in the US, I hope your weekend is lovely as well.
It’s a beautiful, sunny Sunday today with perfect weather. As I do most years, I spent this morning wandering the local plant nurseries purchasing my vegetable garden and flower plantings for the year. It’s going to be a back-to-basics year for me – a couple planters with flowers, my Earth Boxes for tomatoes, basil, lettuce, and cucumbers, and a new butterfly bush to plant in a spot that needs “something” in the yard. While many places plant earlier than this, I never feel comfortable planting much before Memorial Day due to the risk of frost. I’m looking forward to getting things together tomorrow morning before the summer heat arrives!
I’ve managed to do a great deal of stitching this month. I’m hoping to get a FlossTube together tomorrow with my progress for the month. My goal had been to stitch on 22 projects in 2022 for Stitch Maynia. As of this morning, I’m at 20 with two days to go!
I’m also planning for the WIPocalypse focus month challenge for June and July – my project for both months (as needed) will be Witches Wheel. I’ve begun beading it, and it’s my goal to submit Witches Wheel at our regional fair in early autumn.
June/July Months
In case you’re an early planner – June and July will be our next one-month challenges. Take a WIP and do a minimum of one stitch per day, every day, for a month. These two months are back to back intentionally – get some serious work done on a WIP that needs, love, create your own month, or just work one month as it works for you! As always, it’s an optional challenge and not required to participate in the WIPocalypse.
Website Change Reminder
Please make sure to link up to (no /measiblog after it).
Have a wonderful June, and I’ll see you here again next month!
Happy Stitching,
Important SAL Announcements…
Question of the Month: Retreats and seminars – have you ever been to any stitching events? If so, tell us about them!
Next posting date: June 26, 2022
Topic(s) for next time: Half-year recap: How are you doing with your goals so far this year?
Need all the basic info about the SAL? Go here for all details for 2022!
Please remember that this stitch-a-long is intended to be fun – so if you’re too busy to post, too busy/ill/etc. to stitch – no worries! Post when you can and share what you have going, even if you’ve only been able to toss a single stitch into it. If you miss a few months, not a problem – just jump back in when you’re back with us! It’s not a race or a competition – we’re all just here to cheer each other on with our progress.