May Goals & Theme-a-licious April Recap
My goals for April were…
- Complete part one and part two of Deep Blue Sea, and work on part three. No – but I did make some progress
- Put 10 hours of stitching into Floral Bellpull Yes! 🙂
- Put 10 hours of stitching into Why I Love New England No. Didn’t even touch it.
- Catch up on TAST stitching. No (and have likely given up on it due to falling so far behind).
- Finish my Mirabilia RR No – but did get some hours in on it.
- Stitch on one other piece (for commutes) Yes! And got a finish!
My goals for May are…
- Work 10 hours on Pocketful of Peppermint
- Work 10 hours on Four Seasons of Mystic
- Work 10 hours on Floral Bellpull
- Try to finish my Mirabilia RR
I’m choosing my pieces this month primarily to tie in with the Theme-a-Licious theme for May, which is “May Memories,” a time to focus on class pieces, event pieces, or other pieces with some sort of special meaning. Pocketful of Peppermint and Four Seasons of Mystic are my two class projects from Stitcher’s Hideaway, and I’d like to finish both this year… so into the WIPocalypse pile they go for May!
My Theme-a-licious recap for April is not all that great, although I did make some progress. Italics were the goals I stated at the beginning of the month.
Deep Blue Sea (Chatelaine) – I want to get this as close to up to date as possible. I’m just about done with part one. I also want to get through parts two (and at least part of three). More than that and actually be caught up? Gravy.
Didn’t do this. I did get a good amount of work done on it, but then had a bit of a catastrophe that put it on hold for the rest of the month (more on that in my WIPocalypse recap). I’m still on part one.
Floral Bellpull (Wentzler) – As my primary TW project for the year, I just want to push this forward so I can have a finish by the end of the year. Goals for this month would just involve getting as many stitches as I can into block 5.
I did get some work done on it. Will be continuing in May.
Why I Love New England (Sampler Needlework) – No real goals here. I’d just like to put some stitches in it.
Nope. As mentioned above, I didn’t even touch it. 🙁