October 2024 WIPocalypse Check-In
Hi everyone!

Peak color has flashed over here in my area of Rhode Island – we’re now entering the cold evenings that seem to force the trees to drop leaves in earnest. I think two of my trees completely emptied themselves onto the lawn overnight. With the colder weather, my desire to get cozy on the couch with some stitching always returns. I’m looking forward to dark evenings with a quilt on my lap, illuminated by my lamp as I stitch evenings away.
It’s hard to believe there are only a couple months left in the year – the craziness of the holidays are fast approaching, and then 2025 will commence. Madness! 😀
So, since it’s that time of year…
- Yes, WIPocalypse will continue for another year in 2025
- I’ll post questions and dates next month for those who are starting to get their plans together for next year. If you’re getting an early start on your planning, assume that the posts will be on the final Sunday of the month as we’ve done the past several years, unless there’s a major holiday on said Sunday (and then I’ll push it to a date that makes sense for my own scheduling mid-week).
- If you have questions you’d like included in the Questions of the Month, suggestions are always happily welcomed!
- If you have any stitching challenges or activities that you’d like added to the yearly plan, those suggestions are also very welcomed!
Have a lovely November, and I’ll see you just before Thanksgiving weekend!
Happy Stitching,
Important SAL Announcements…
Question of the Month:Â Â How do you organize your WIPs and stash?
Next posting date:Â November 24, 2024
Topic(s) for next time: How do you begin planning for the next year with your stitching? Tell us your process.
Need all the basic info about the SAL? GO HERE for all details for 2024!
Please remember that this stitch-a-long is intended to be fun – so if you’re too busy to post, too busy/ill/etc. to stitch – no worries! Post when you can and share what you have going, even if you’ve only been able to toss a single stitch into it. If you miss a few months, not a problem – just jump back in when you’re back with us! It’s not a race or a competition – we’re all just here to cheer each other on with our progress.