October Stitching Recap
It’s been quite a bit since I did a stitching recap. I’ve been so busy the last few months between the 100 Days of HAED stitch-a-long and getting Max ready for school that I honestly can’t remember what I have and haven’t updated… so I’ll just focus on the stuff I’m working right now. 🙂
Since the Heaven and Earth Stitch-a-Long ended on October 9th, I’ve been focused primarily on my Four Seasons of Mystic piece designed by Jeannette Douglas. I’m getting quite close to finishing it, and I’m hopeful I can have it done by the end of Thanksgiving weekend. With the exception of the long stitches on the boat rigging of Summer, I have all stitching done through Autumn, and I’m nearly done with Winter:

I have a slight changeup that I made on Winter… by accident. I had the large white snowflake almost entirely done when I discovered that I’d miscounted the column of blue stars by a stitch… and it was vital to fix because the large snowflake wouldn’t have been complete. After picking them out and stitching them correctly… I found my other mistake. I forgot to add Winter above the snowflake! Thankfully it fit just fine under the snowflake before the next band (partially done) in this photo, so hey… a little more personalized! And in a way, I think it works. The names of the seasons now are in height order for the average temperature. Or at least that’s the decision I’m sticking with!
Anyway, as you can see, I don’t have a lot more to go on Winter. Then I just need to add the border between the seasons, add the mast rigging to the Summer boat, and add all of the beads.
I’m excited to get this piece done. It’s likely going to be my entry into the Big E next September.
The other piece I’ve been working on is the freebie SAL via the Steotchalong. I stumbled across this SAL last year just as it was ending, saved the parts, but never got to working on them. They’ve done six of these now, and they’re all snarky, geeky, or just silly. Or all three. I have no idea what we’re stitching yet, but there has been a lot of Facebook snark about the prominent “69” stitched on week one (that probably isn’t numbers at all…). Part three was just released on Saturday, and I haven’t stitched that yet. So this is my progress through week two.

I have some vacation time next week, so I’m planning to get caught up with both parts three and four at some point. This is a “choose your own color adventure” SAL. They do give a suggested palette for those afraid to pick their own, but I opted to go my own way. Hopefully my mystery will be relatively color balanced!
So onto the WIPocalypse Question of the Month: Do You prefer to stitch on a rotation or one project at a time?
By nature, I prefer a rotation… but a loose one. I like a bit of variety with my stitching, and if I work on one piece too long I find myself getting bored and a little antsy. I’ve found that what works best for me is a rotation with a few projects, giving myself a mix of goals to stitch a certain length of time on some projects and stitch to a certain point on others. Since I enjoy stitching on Teresa Wentzler projects, I usually keep one slot in my rotation for backstitching. Somehow it seems to work. 🙂
And with that, I’m off to bed. G’night all!