WIPocalypse – 2022 Kickoff Post!

Hi everyone…

So this weekend was a bit of an oops on my part. I had the initial kick-off post up on the blog and then went to do some cleaning up of the rest of my website, fix the SSL issue (grumble… still not fixed), and then… I deleted my entire blog. All 20 years of it. Completely nerfed in the blink of an eye. Cue a bit of a freak-out on my part and a HUGE amount of mental forehead thumping on the wall in frustration with myself. (don’t worry… my actual house walls are fine, and so is my head).

Thankfully Erich was able to find me one of my backups from 2018, so I just need to get things re-installed. A lot of the check-in posts are not included there, but all of the check-ins that folks have done since then are saved safely at In-Linkz. I just need to create new pages for them when some of the other stuff is back together.

But with the self-induced implosion of my website, I decided it was time to do a little reconfiguration that I’ve honestly needed to do for a few years. I’ve moved my blog to the main website address, rather than keep it in a subfolder. When I started my blog, I had plans… different sections, different topics, etc. And well… life happened. And none of those plans have really ever happened. Time to move the blog to the forefront. If any of those other plans – or anything as of yet undecided – ever do come to fruition, they can go in the subfolders! 🙂 So going forward, please make sure to link up to https://www.measi.net (no /measiblog after it).

While I keep working on getting things back up and running around here – have a lovely January stitching, and I’ll see you at the end of the month.

Keeping it real :),


Important SAL Announcements…

Upcoming Event: Olympics Stitching, February 4th – February 20th. Details about the events are up in the Facebook group under “Events,” but details will be added on my blog before the January 30th check-in.

Question of the Month: Introduce yourself, your projects, and any goals you have for the year!

Next posting date: January 30, 2022

Topic(s) for next time: Describe your stitching style – are you a one-at-a-time stitcher? Do you stitch on rotation? Are you a chaos wrangler? Are you comfortable in your current stitching style, or are you still searching for that stitching zen?

Need all the basic info about the SAL?  Go here for all details for 2022!


Please remember that this stitch-a-long is intended to be fun – so if you’re too busy to post, too busy/ill/etc. to stitch – no worries! Post when you can and share what you have going, even if you’ve only been able to toss a single stitch into it. If you miss a few months, not a problem – just jump back in when you’re back with us! It’s not a race or a competition – we’re all just here to cheer each other on with our progress.

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

Click here to enter

So… I screwed up

Earlier today I was attempting to update my SSL certificate, and started messing around with other things – and then I deleted the SQL that held all 20 years of blog entries on my blog. (sigh).

The good news is that I do have a backup of it – somewhere. The bad news is that it’s on a hard drive currently not hooked up to my home computer, and Erich and I need to find it. It may take a while. I’m going to piece together some entries as I can from Wayback Machine and Google search caches, but of course… that takes time.

For now – my blog is a clean slate. Maybe it’s a good thing. I’m not sure. I’ll start rebuilding, and we’ll see where things go.

WIPocalypse and other basics to get going will be coming this week.

Until then, stay safe. 🙂

~ Measi

2022 WIPocalypse Info (Archived)

This will be a Stitch-a-Long (SAL) for fun, not a contest.  Everyone stitches at a different pace, on different sized projects, with different goals and concepts of accomplishment, so a standard set of one-size-fits-all rules simply won’t work.  So whether you’re a one-at-a-time stitcher or an insane rotationer like me,  gather up the UFOs and WIPs on which you’d love to make good progress (or finish) and join us!

What will be happening in 2022?

Posting Schedule: WIPocalypse will be running for its 11th year in 2022!  We will have a kick-off post on Sunday, January 2nd, and then the check-ins will go back to their normal schedule for the remainder of the year on the final Sunday of the month with the exception of the final check-in of the year. Since Christmas Day will be the final Sunday, we’ll push that month’s check-in to December 31st.

One Month Challenge: In March, June, July, and October, there will be an optional “one month challenge.”  Take one of your WIPs, and do a minimum of one stitch per day, every day for that month.  This challenge is inspired by a 100 Day HAED Challenge via Facebook that Melissa did in 2018.  It worked amazingly well to make great progress.  It’s simple, takes only a few minutes, and will help push along that project you keep avoiding or just need a little extra focus to move forward.

Finishing Frenzy: In August, we’ll host a month-long goal to complete final finishing for any objects you’ve stitched, but just need to get framed, completed into an ornament, etc. Get your list together and let’s finish some projects!

Olympics StitchingThe Winter Olympics will happen in Beijing February 4 – February 20th. As we have in previous Olympics years, there will be a stitch-a-long for the duration with separate “events” you can pick and choose from to add some spice to your stitching. More details to follow in the December 2021 and January 2022 check-ins.

Question of the Month:  For several years, there were various bloggers who had incarnations of the “Stitcher Blogger Questions.” Since 2015, we provide a monthly question to get to know our fellow stitchers.   As always – this is optional.  If you prefer to just share your progress, that’s just fine.  đź™‚   If you want to go further and suggest some additional topics to me, please do!  Every question received will be used, and the person who suggests it will get a linkback credit.

Facebook:  The WIPocalypse has a Facebook group!  We want you to share your blog posts as you always have, of course, but community over on Facebook is now a huge thing, and it’s long past time we started a group there for those interested who no longer (or never did) have a blog.   All are welcome!  (and yes, that includes those who prefer to crochet, knit, quilt, etc.  The more the merrier!)

Here are the “rules” for the 2022 WIPocalypse:

1)  To sign up, simply blog about your WIPs and add your post about your WIP projects to the most recent check-in post here at measi(dot)net or create a post in our Facebook group. There will be no yearly sign-up registration for 2022.  Jump in whenever you find us!

2) Whenever you join us, make a list of the projects on which you wish to make progress. Add to and adjust this list throughout the year as you desire.  There are no restrictions regarding new starts for this SAL.  If you feel the desire to start a piece in 2022, add it to your list! The list is recommended so you can set goals for yourself (and celebrate your accomplishments – and let us celebrate with you).

3) On the final Sunday of every month (or thereabouts), post your progress photos to your site – even if your progress was slower than you hoped.  Label that post with “WIPocalypse” to make it easy for readers to find – whether in the title, or however you categorize or tag entries.  If you skip a month, just jump back in when your life and schedule allows.

4) Once you’ve posted, come over to my blog and find the check-in post and comment that you’ve updated.  There will be an auto-link provided so you can add your entry, which will be open for three weeks after the entry is initially posted.  The comment section is open for 60 days, so there’s more than plenty of time each month.  If, for some reason, you cannot add your post – either add it to the comments or send me an email.  There is no such thing as a “late” post.  Post when you can.  Stress-free here, folks!

5) Anything that you use for other group or blog challenges counts here for the WIPocalypse. Double-dipping is not only welcome, it’s encouraged! 🙂

Posting dates and Topics for 2022:

January 2 – Introduce yourself, your projects, and any goals you have for the year!

January 30 – Describe your stitching style – are you a one-at-a-time stitcher? Do you stitch on rotation? Are you a chaos wrangler? Are you comfortable in your current stitching style, or are you still searching for that stitching zen?

February 27 – What stitch-a-longs (SALs) are you participating in this year?

March 27 – Tell us about a technique, designer, pattern, or anything else in stitching that you’ve been nervous or afraid to try.

April 24 – What is your favorite store (either online or brick and mortar) to purchase your supplies?

May 29 – Retreats and seminars – have you ever been to any stitching events? If so, tell us about them!

June 26 – Half-year recap:  How are you doing with your goals so far this year?

July 31 – What five patterns do you really want to purchase (or start) right now?

August 28 – Have you been participating in gatherings via online chats (Zoom, Google Meet, etc) during the COVID pandemic? If so, what have been the best formats in your opinion?

September 25 – Are you a seasonal stitcher? If so, which seasons do you find yourself more productive or less productive?

October 30 – Do you prefer Halloween or Christmas stitching?

November 27 – When do you begin planning your stitching goals for the next year?

December 31 – Recap your accomplishments for the year! (Your finishes, your final before/after photos, etc).

Other Helpful Things...

Sidebar Buttons:  You may create a button for yourself from any of your personal WIPs if you choose. If you don’t know how to create a button and would prefer one from your own projects, feel free to email me. I can put together a simple button for you as soon as I have a few free moments.

You’re also welcome to grab the one I use below.  Simply download this image to your own image host and link it back to the following URL:


2022 Testing Thread… 

If you don’t have experience with InLinkz or want to practice selecting specific photos, feel free to relink to this thread as often as you need to. This link will remain open from November 28, 2021 to the end of November 2022.

September 2021 WIPocalypse Check-In

Hi everyone!

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It’s been an absolutely beautiful early autumn weekend here in Rhode Island – comfortable, low-humidity temperatures with a mix of sun and clouds and a gentle breeze. The leaves are just starting to turn color now, but nowhere near the gorgeous peak color that you see in travel photos. Most things are still very, very green here. I love this time of year and try to soak in as much time as possible outside.

It’s been another productive stitchy month on my end. I’m not exactly where I’d like to be on a couple projects, but that’s okay. I’m very happy with my progress on so many pieces this year. 🙂 My brain is already itching to start on planning for 2022, and I’m trying to keep it quiet! Still lots of time to stitch in 2021.

As we go into the final quarter of 2021, though – I would love to hear your thoughts. What kinds of things would you like to change for the WIPocalypse in 2022? Do you like the format as-is? Let me know your feedback so I can plan some adjustments if the SAL needs a bit of a refresh.

October Focus Month

October will be our final focus month of the year. Pick one of your WIPs and set a goal to place at least one stitch per day into it. (or a larger goal, if that works better for you). The idea is that you won’t be able to stop at just one stitch, so you’ll be able to get a nice amount of progress on it! Make sure to take before and after photos of your project for the month.

I’ll leave you here for now. Happy October stitching!


Important SAL Announcements…

Question of the Month: List five projects you have unstarted in your stash that you’d like to start in the (relatively) near future.

Next posting date: October 31, 2021

Topic(s) for next time: Do you prefer Halloween or Christmas stitching?

Need all the basic info about the SAL?  Go here for the details for 2021!


Please remember that this stitch-a-long is intended to be fun – so if you’re too busy to post, too busy/ill/etc. to stitch – no worries! Post when you can and share what you have going, even if you’ve only been able to toss a single stitch into it. If you miss a few months, not a problem – just jump back in when you’re back with us! It’s not a race or a competition – we’re all just here to cheer each other on with our progress.

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

Click here to enter

Books on My List

’m making a list of books that I’ve been wanting to read – partially to pull them out of Goodreads, partially for an exchange I’m going to be part of themed to Iceland’s wonderful holiday tradition of Jolabokaflod. I’m always up for other suggestions, too. I read a little bit of everything, although this list may not appear that way. I have this organized by author, since I do enjoy going into series reading quite a bit.

Ackerman, Sara – Radar Girls

Adams, Richard – Watership Down

Bird, Isobel – So Mote it Be

Black, Holly – Geektastic: Stories from the Nerd Herd

Borges, Jorge Luis – Labyrinths: Selected Stories & Other Writings

Bronte, Charlotte – (any books)

Bulgakov, Mikhail – The Master and Margarita

Butler, Octavia E. – Dawn (Xenogenesis #1)

Capote, Truman – The Grass Harp, Including A Tree of Night and Other Stories

Chiaverini, Jennifer – Fates and Traitors

Coelho, Paulo – The Alchemist and The Witch of Portobello

Edwards, Kim – The Memory Keeper’s Daughter

Erdrich, Louise – The Night Watchman

Finkel, David – The Good Soldiers

Flynn, Gillian – Gone Girl

Flower, Amanda – The Magical Bookshop Series – Crime and Poetry/Prose and Cons/Murders and Metaphors/Verse and Vengeance/Crimes and Covers

Forster, E.M. – A Passage to India

Garcia Marquez, Gabriel – One Hundred Years of Solitude

Glaser, Mechthild – The Forgotten Book

Grandhi, Preetham – A Circle of Souls

Grau, Shirley Ann – The Keepers of the House

Gregory, Philippa – (any books)

Hesse, Jennifer David – A Wiccan Wheel Mystery Series – Midsummer Night’s Mischief

Hosseini, Khaled – The Kite Runner

Huxley, Aldous – Brave New World

Jemisin, N.K. – (any books)

Larson, Erik – In the Garden of Beasts: Love, Terror, and an American Family in Hitler’s Berlin

Lawrenson, Deborah – The Lantern

Millwood Hargrave, Kiran – The Girl of Ink and Stars

Morton, Kate – The Forgotten Garden

Niffenegger, Audrey – The Time Traveler’s Wife

Obreht, Tea – The Tiger’s Wife

Owens, Delia – Where the Crawdads Sing

Penner, Sarah – The Lost Apothecary

Plath, Sylvia – The Bell Jar

More coming later… gotta get to work. 🙂