WIPGO 2023 – Week 34 – Bird ‘n Berry Box

Things have been a little crazy here in Measiland in recent weeks, and I misplaced this project, throwing my whole updating mojo into a funk. But it’s been found! So now catching up on some much-needed WIPGO. Backdating some entries to keep them in proper sequence 🙂 – Mel

Like everything else in 2020, stitching retreats and conventions were cancelled or at least indefinitely “postponed.” Celebration of Needlework, which usually occurs in May, was one of those conventions. The organizers of the convention wanted to try to get it going in person anyway late that summer, but the understandable push-back from the attendees forced it into a virtual retreat. They managed to do some remote sales via Zoom, and also had classes. Was it ideal? Not really… but it worked. And it’s how my next piece came into my WIP pile.

Bird ‘n Berry Box by Barbara Jackson was a class offered that year at Celebration. It’s a multi-piece set of smalls consisting of a strawberry, a scissor fob, a needle book, and a little box to hold the three pieces.

Bird ‘n Berry Box by Barbara Jackson (cover sheet for kit)

Barbara organized this kit beautifully for the class – each individual small was kitted by itself with the fabric and instructions in a pattern sleeve, including anything needed to finish that specific piece. The thread was on a collective labeled punched sheet. All of the finishing instructions are included with diagrams and photos. The little box and the red scissors are also included.

Three years on, I don’t really recall most of the class – but I know we were all awkward and trying to figure out now to navigate Zoom for classes at that point. It has blurred into that craziness that was Covid internet times. But I do remember she was very pleasant and willing to take any questions. The stitching is straight forward – lots of queen stitches with the strawberries, but otherwise mostly standard crosses.

Bird ‘n Berry Box as of 9/1/23 – stitched as charted with kitted threads on 32 ct antique white linen

I have the front and finishing outline of the needlecase done except for the beads. The piece I’m working on now is the top of the box. This stalled because I couldn’t find either small hoops or my stretcher bar pins. I don’t work well in hand, and was finding queen stitches in hand to be pretty brutal. BUT… I’ve since found the pins, so I can get this going again.

There isn’t a whole ton of stitching – I think the time is really going to be spent in the finishing here. But it will be a cute little set that’s the perfect size to keep with me when I’m curled up stitching!

I have this on my goal list to finish by the end of this year. At this point, I don’t think I’ll quite make it with other stuff I want to accomplish… but it will definitely be done within the next few months.

WIPGO 2023 – Week 33 – Supernatural

Witchy Stitcher has offered a spooky mystery stitch-a-long for the past few years. Two things are certain with her designs – 1) the individual pieces are going to be reasonably sized sections (except maybe the border), and 2) you need to have a good supply of DMC 310. Preferably via a cone, which she has nicknamed the Cone of Doom.

No really – you need a Cone of Doom. 🙂 I happen to have the larger cone, which had approximately 1.3 miles of DMC black on it when new. I think I’ve maybe used sixty yards of it so far.

Supernatural by Witchy Stitcher. Screenshot from the designer’s website

Supernatural was the 2022 stitch-a-long, a companion piece to Cryptids the year before. I purchased both, but decided to stitch on Supernatural first. I’ll be using the same fabric for both pieces so they’re true companions when framed. I started it on October 10th of last year for the #13StitchesofHalloween SAL.

Supernatural by Witchy Stitcher as of September 1, 2023. Stitched 2×2 on 32 ct Beloved linen from Fortnight Fabrics with charted DMC

As you can see, it’s a dense border. Not difficult to stitch, but I didn’t get too far because I was a bit burnt out on black last autumn after pushing to finish Witches Wheel. Now that I’ve had some time off from solid black, I’m ready to get back to it. 🙂

A couple things I am planning to customize in this piece – I’m going to recolor the Banshee to look like one from World of Warcraft, in homage of my many years of playing the game. I’m also going to recolor the Angel so it looks like a Weeping Angel from Doctor Who. I’m pretty certain that others who have stitched this have already done the same, so hopefully they’ve shared their conversions in the SAL Facebook page. I’ve also seen a conversion for the Changeling baby basket to the Doctor’s crib. Not sure if I’ll do that or not, although the Doctor definitely is a Changeling… of sorts! 🙂

Once I get the left border done, I’ll begin working the individual blocks to ensure I have the width correct. I really don’t want to do that entire border and be off.

No timeline to finish this one. It’ll get done when it gets done!

Life Update as Summer Comes to a Close

I haven’t kept up with my end-of-month stitching updates as I’d hoped for the past couple of months. While I work to sort out projects for status updates, I figured I’d do some life ones too. It’s been quite a while since I’ve had a non-stitchy blog post. 🙂

Max at belt graduation August 2023 – photo via his training studio.

Max is a few days away from starting fifth grade. He’s eager to get back to school and to see his classmates. I can’t believe it’s the last year of elementary school. Covid has definitely not helped matters, but the six years at his current school have gone so fast! I’m so proud of him. He really struggled in kindergarten and first grade, but he’s blossomed into a smart, funny, extroverted kid who’s generally really well-behaved and fun to be around. He’s still in his martial arts program, and although I would not categorize him as devoted to it – he enjoys it, and is currently at apprentice black belt – green stripe rank. If he passes his progress tests on the first try to get the next stripes, he could be testing for his full black belt sometime late 2024/early 2025.

Erich started a new job in April and enjoys it. We’ve had to adjust to second-shift work, but it’s going well. I get to see my husband for lunch most days of the week before he heads to the office. Max and Erich have time together in the mornings where I stay out of the way, and I take over the after school parenting. Weekends are family time. Erich had also really been struggling for several years due to his work status at the hospital, so seeing him in a much better mental state also helps mine.

I’m still working a hybrid schedule – one day in the office, four days at home. I’ve been warned that it’s likely to change to two days in office early next year. I work better and more productively at home, but it is what it is. (shrug) I finally have a strong team working with me where the egos are left at the door and we just get stuff done. It’s so refreshing. I’m finally ending days with less things on my plate than when I start my days.

The first night of vacation – and a rare photo of the three of us together!

We had our first family vacation in five years in August. We’ve had some little travels here and there, but a lot of them have been only Max and me. This time it was a full week together. We went to Hilton Head Island in South Carolina, where we met up with my mom, her partner Barrie, and my brother, Scott. Hilton Head was my childhood vacation spot every June with my dad and my brother, but I hadn’t been back in about 25 years. I was so excited to share it with Erich and Max, especially since Max is the same age I was when I was introduced to the island. Things have changed in many ways, but in many others – it’s still so familiar. The live oaks with the Spanish moss draping, swaying slowly in the breeze, the hard sand and warm water. I’d forgotten how much I’d missed it.

Scott rented a charter boat for the Saturday afternoon we were there to enjoy a four-hour sail. We went out to international waters and spread my dad’s ashes among the waves according to the wishes he expressed to my brother before passing in 2016. Max got a little weirded out by it, since this was really his first encounter with any sort of funeral. Otherwise, it was honestly perfect – quiet, peaceful, and just… felt right. I’m glad that he can spend eternity near the island where he truly was always relaxed and happy. Once we spread his ashes, I noticed quite a few photos from cameras having green orbs on them. I know it’s probably just a trick of the sunlight on the phone, but I’d like to think it was Dad hanging out with us.

Our friend and Max’s adopted uncle, Matt, moved back in with us this past week. His rent was more expensive than our mortgage is, which is insane. His driving commute is definitely not ideal now – but hopefully it will allow him – and us – to save a bit of money. Our house is still a mess as we sort through and do some reorganizing, but it’s going to be a comfy, somewhat crowded home with tons of geekiness. 🙂

Life is good as we move into the cozy autumn season. 🙂 If I feel cold, I have this final photo to just make my heart a little warmer. Max and my dad’s green orb, enjoying the ocean as the sun goes down.

Happy Sunday,

August 2023 WIPocalypse Check-in

Hi everyone!

There’s definitely a feeling of impending autumn in the air here in New England. The humidity of summer shut off a couple weeks ago. The leaves are starting to get a lighter tinge to them, and the mornings have had a crispness that I absolutely love. Before that, though, the traditional checklists to kick off autumn need to happen – Labor Day weekend, my son going back to school, catching a glimpse of the first tree turning red. (I would add in pumpkin spice coffee… but that’s already started – Erich brought home a pumpkin donut for me this past week).

Is anyone else participating in an S-theme stitching month – Sampler, Smalls, Starts, etc – for September? Last year I did smalls. This year I feel the itch to do samplers. Later today I’ll be finalizing which ones I’ll be working on. I’m taking a virtual class through the EGA that I wasn’t able to start on time, so that’s on the list. I Love New England is on the list. But I would like to add a couple more.

Upcoming One-Month Challenge – One Stitch Per Day

October will be our final one-month challenge month. As always it is optional, and as always, remember – it’s just one stitch a day. One often leads to more… and you’ll make great progress! Every. stitch. counts. If you can’t join us for this month’s one-month challenge, we will host them again next year.

Off to a busy day – one of our close friends is moving in with us today to save on rent due to the price explosions in New England. The space is just about ready, but I have some other chores to get out of the way before the truck arrives.

Until next time,


Important SAL Announcements…

Question of the Month: What is your comfort zone regarding the number of projects to have kitted and in progress at any one time?

Next posting date: September 24, 2023

Topic(s) for next time: Are you a seasonal stitcher? If so, which seasons do you find yourself more productive or less productive?

Need all the basic info about the SAL?  Go here for all details for 2023!


Please remember that this stitch-a-long is intended to be fun – so if you’re too busy to post, too busy/ill/etc. to stitch – no worries! Post when you can and share what you have going, even if you’ve only been able to toss a single stitch into it. If you miss a few months, not a problem – just jump back in when you’re back with us! It’s not a race or a competition – we’re all just here to cheer each other on with our progress.

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

Click here to enter

WIPGO 2023 – Week 32 – Lavender Potpourri Sachet

Several years ago there was a lovely shop out in Western Massachusetts called Chris’ Collection. I was only able to visit it in person once – as she was starting to close down. But I enjoyed shopping with her in her pop-up shop at Sticher’s Hideaway several times in Mystic. I purchased this kit during one of my shopping adventures, although uncertain when I actually purchased it.

Lavender Sachet and/or Potpourri Box by Olde Colonial Designs

I know it’s not a clear photo, sorry. The actual photo is only about 2.5 inches square from the kit. It came with everything to make the sachet – fabric, floss, button, finishing ribbon, and the lavender filling. The project bag (and therefore the fabric) smell heavenly when I work on it because I keep everything together in the bag.

If I wanted to finish it as a box top, Olde Colonial sells the boxes separately. I haven’t decided which way I’m going to complete it, but I’m leaning toward the sachet. Acquiring a box if I go that route will not be difficult – Olde Colonial Designs runs the Celebration of Needlework retreat in Nashua, New Hampshire, and always sets up a big booth with all of the drool-worthy (and expensive!!) wooden boxes and frames for finishing.

I started this as part of the 2021 12×12 New Year’s Eve with Just Keep Stitchin’. I barely got anywhere that night, but I have worked on it since then – unlike some projects from that evening!

Lavender Sachet as of August 1, 2023 – stitched 1 thread over 1 or 2 as charted on 32 ct Natural linen from Fabric Flair with charted threads.

The border is over two threads. All of the letters are over one. And the letters are stitched in a couple of different colors, which is why there are some gaps. I was working everything in one color above the central divider line.

It’s a pretty little piece and will move quickly once I get that over-one stitching in for the alphabet. There are some other specialty stitches here and there, but none that I haven’t worked in other projects.

I don’t have a timeline to complete this one, but I imagine it will be a late this year/sometime early next year finish. It all depends on when I finish I Love New England – which will become my big project focus in the very near future.