Considering how wild April was around here… I got quite a bit done on my projects! I’m happy. April’s short-short version, in no order of priority, are: And onto the April stitchy updates. The theme of this month was “frogging and move forward.” Oh, so much miscounting that had to be fixed to get anywhere. […]
Book of Ink Circles, often called “BoINK” on blogs, was a free piece offered by Ink Circles on their website back in 2008. I remember quite a few folks stitching it back then. Folks made some alterations to the corner designs, and there were lots of color changes. Like so many pieces that have a […]
Just a heads up if you’re trying to reach me – my MacBook decided it wanted to throw me for a loop, and for some reason it won’t reboot. Since I have cash tied up in other commitments, I’m sharing a computer with my husband for a few weeks until I can get it fixed. So […]