My goals for April were… My goals for May are… I’m choosing my pieces this month primarily to tie in with the Theme-a-Licious theme for May, which is “May Memories,” a time to focus on class pieces, event pieces, or other pieces with some sort of special meaning. Pocketful of Peppermint and Four Seasons of […]
A quarter of this year has passed already? Yikes, it’s going fast! March was such a whirlwind here that I’m all confused. We’re finally getting around to our St. Patrick’s Day dinner today. Spring flowers are a full month ahead of schedule, and the plants are all confused, so the blooms aren’t anywhere as vibrant […]
So… this month flew by. February was to be “Fangirl February,” where we stitched on our favorite designers. I suppose in a way, I did do this with my Wentzler and Ink Circles stitching, although I feel like I didn’t quite do what I wanted to. Yet I really did. Meh, I’m too hard on […]
This weekend is International Hermit and Stitch Weekend! Grab a project (or two… or four), curl up, get some stitching done, and share with the world. It’s kind of like WIPocalypse, but much shorter and even more freeform. 🙂 BUT WAIT – It’s also Jardin January for Theme-a-licious, which means that my selection for this […]