TAST – Week One
I decided that since I was taking time this year to work on my own pieces that doing some knowledge expansion was probably also a good idea. I’d run across a few blogs that had interesting little doodle samplers, followed the linky trail, and found myself at Pin Tangle, which hosts a perfect little educational stitch-a-long called Take a Stitch Tuesday (aka TAST). Each week, Sharon will post a different stitch, and the participants in the SAL can either practice the stitch if they’re beginners, or try to push the stitch further if they’re more experienced with it.
I decided that TAST would be my Crazy January start #3, and that as I worked the different stitches, I’d do one row of the simple stitch, then try working it in a couple of different ways. I’ll just pull random colors from my stash, so this thing’s going to get pretty clashy at times. It’ll be a great way to use up some of those mostly empty bobbins, though!
So to start off – this week features the Fan Stitch:

I’ll be adding a header to the top in a week or two – I want to sketch out something freehand.
Sharon suggested using fan stitch to create leaves, so I tinkered with creating rosemary stalks with two colors of DMC. I like the snowflake a lot and want to play around a little more with them before I cross off this week’s mini-sampler. And of course, doing some geometrics with the stitch is a must.
It’s a fun, easy stitch that I think I’ll want to tinker with more.