The weekend where ALL of my SALs converge
This weekend is International Hermit and Stitch Weekend! Grab a project (or two… or four), curl up, get some stitching done, and share with the world.
It’s kind of like WIPocalypse, but much shorter and even more freeform. 🙂
BUT WAIT – It’s also Jardin January for Theme-a-licious, which means that my selection for this weekend fits all of my ongoing SALS at the same time.
I know – right? It’s epic stitching convergence time. And at the end of the weekend, it’s time for TUSAL to finish it all off.
What piece is so epic in my stash that it can fulfill all of these SAL’s? It’s none other than…
Floral Bellpull!
Yes, the ongoing WIP that has been ongoing for years, gone out on a UFO Round Robin cruise, and still remains an unfinished piece. It’s the one Teresa Wentzler I truly want to complete this year – and completing it is actually possible if I sit my butt down, get the needle going, and get to work.
While yes, it’s only Thursday, I’m getting a start on it tonight for the weekend. My goal is to finish the square you see – which is the 4th of 6 in the bellpull. I don’t have that much actual cross-stitching left to do in the square, so it’s quite possible I can get it and all of the backstitching completed by Sunday night.
*crossing fingers*
Want to join up in one of the non-WIPocalypse SALs this weekend? Click on the appropriate button below to follow to their hosts. 🙂