Theme-a-licious Recap: Fangirl February
So… this month flew by. February was to be “Fangirl February,” where we stitched on our favorite designers. I suppose in a way, I did do this with my Wentzler and Ink Circles stitching, although I feel like I didn’t quite do what I wanted to.
Yet I really did.
Meh, I’m too hard on myself.
Anyway – I haven’t done anything else on my personal projects since my last entry on the 22nd, so the photos remain the same. I’ve focused the past week on a scissor fob for an exchange on Saturday night. The stitching is done, but I need to put it together tomorrow. That shouldn’t take me very long. I’ll post a photo of it on Sunday once I return, since by then it will be heading home with its new owner. I’m very happy with it. It was a quick stitch, very cute – and I’ll probably make another one for myself one of these days!
March’s theme is “March Madness,” in which we’ll stitch on a different project every day. Now… I probably could stitch literally on a different project every single day, but rather than go that insane, I’m scaling it down to a group of “priority” projects that I want to make progress on. I was originally going to set a schedule, but instead I think I’ll do a daily draw to see what I’ll be working on next from the following projects:
- Deep Blue Sea (Chatelaine)
- Floral Bellpull (Teresa Wentzler)
- BoInk (Ink Circles)
- My Mirabilia round robin piece from 2011 (my square)
- Apache Wedding Blessing (Kooler Design)
- Witchy Washy (Raise the Roof)
- Why I Love New England (Sampler Needlework)
- Ye Olde Coffee Shop (Little House Needleworks)
- Waiting in the wings: Cats on a Staircase (Kooler Design) – if I finish one of the others above
A couple of these are very close to being done, so hopefully I can make some great progress and clear a couple off my list.
Since I’ll be stitching on a different piece every day, I’m also going to attempt to do a daily blog posting all month. We’ll see how that goes!
Today brought some of the first real snow we’ve received in Providence since the snowstorm just before Halloween, and it still amounts to just barely over an inch. Supposedly we’ll be getting more tomorrow – but I’ve also heard it will be mixing with rain, so who knows – it may all be gone by mid-afternoon. It’s crazy how warm and dry this winter has been. It’s definitely the warmest I can ever remember in my life. The temperature has been much more like the Bay Area in California – my mom lived in Danville and San Ramon for a number of years when I was a teenager – only without the winter rain that California gets. I’m a bit worried that this may be leading to a miserably hot summer. Hopefully not. ;P
I’m now on vacation for a full week, and SOOOOO happy for the time off. My brain has really been fried from work, and I just need a big breather. Tomorrow night I’m off to Stitcher’s Hideaway until Sunday to stitch the weekend away on whatever I feel like bringing. The winter Stitcher’s Hideaway is an alumni retreat (although first timers are welcome – alumni just get first dibs on seats), and the entire thing is open-ended stitching. No teacher, no specified projects. Just come as you are, bring whatever you want to work on, and stitch and chat. It should be a lot of fun, and I definitely am looking forward to the retreat time. I’m definitely bringing my Chatelaine – that’ll be my Friday focus project, and I’m setting a goal to finish part one this weekend. I’m also going to bring Apache Wedding Blessing, since it just needs backstitching to finish, Witchy Washy, and my Mirabilia RR (for show and tell, but I may throw stitches into the final square, too).
After the retreat, I still have a few days off to putter around the house. I have a couple of house things I’d like to get accomplished – doing a mini-purge of my clothes is one. Other than that, I plan on just resting and taking time for myself because my workload has just been crushingly insane lately, and I desperately need the downtime.
Happy Leap Day everyone!