Challenges/Stitch-A-Longs Stitching Uncategorized Works in Progress

WIPGO 2023 – Week 12 – Halloween Candlestick SAL

My final WIPGO piece for March was started last year on October 5th for the #13StitchesofHalloween Stitch-a-Long (SAL). It had been an individual SAL the year before with mystery releases, but I decided to just collect the charts and stitch on my own time.

Halloween Candlesticks SAL, designed by Jenny Barton for Lakeside Needlecrafts.
(bad angle is my fault)

This piece is a little cutsey for my normal stitching taste, but sometimes… you just need to embrace the cute. I saw someone’s piece as they started the first candlestick, and just loved the backstitching detail on it against this fabric. Once the animals at the bottom were revealed, I was sold.

Halloween Candlestick as of March 1, 2023, stitched 2 threads over 2 on 32 ct Pumpkin evenweave from Fabric Flair with charted DMC.

Such an amazing start, eh? I’m sure it was one of those nights where I was running late but needed to get SOMETHING started for the day… so I tossed in a couple dozen stitches and called it a day. The fabric is very hard to photograph, but the photo above of the finished piece is pretty accurate to the color. My piece is nowhere near as dramatic as it’s appearing in the photo. What appears as white is definitely more peach.

Anyone who knows me and my stitching probably picked up on the center gridline. I don’t grid very often, but I was having a heck of a time counting to the center on my own due to the mystery nature of this SAL and how the sections reveal themselves. The grid is just a basic ten by ten square count across the page. I did the long way first by folding the fabric in half, started the line where my fold was, and carried it across. I then used that count to find the center and place the vertical line. Once I get that center candlestick a bit more solidified, I’ll be pulling my gridlines because they tend to drive me a little nuts. Some stitchers swear by them, but I always find myself fighting them.

I have no specific timeline for finishing this piece – it’ll likely just be a seasonal piece until it’s done. Expect it to come back out for October as part of my #13Stitches stash. 🙂

Happy stitching everyone!

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