Stitching Works in Progress

WIPGO 2023 – Week 23 – Dragonflies, Ladybugs & Bees

I’ve fallen a bit behind on my WIPGO posts, so doing these after the fact in July (oops!). Apologies for that! I’ll be backdating these entries to fit where they’re supposed to go in the sequence.

Dragonflies, Ladybugs & Bees (Oh My!) by M Designs was kitted ages ago – like… nearly 20 years ago. I went through a batch of kitting back then, and unfortunately most of the pieces have remained in kitting state due to the Great Max Birth Event of 2013. DL&B sat in a kitting poly envelope until 2021 when I finally, finally decided to start it for the #2021NYE stitch-a-long with Just Keep Stitchin’.

Dragonflies, Ladybugs and Bees by M Designs

This was a piece I wanted to kit from stash as much as possible… so I used a more yellow fabric from my stash. Although the color comes out quite drab here in the photo below, it’s a cheery, light sunny yellow – very summer flower looking, which reminds me of the dragonflies I see buzzing around from time to time.

I believe the only floss I ended up purchasing was the Silkn’ Colors for the border word backstitching – and having worked it a bit… I need to do a darker color. The light part of the variation is just a bit too light.

Dragonflies, Ladybugs & Bees by M Designs – as of May 31, 2023 – stitched 1 over 2 (so far) on 36ct Chime by Picture this Plus with charted threads

I have no timeline for this one. For now my goal is to finish those four-sided stitches that comprise the reddish outer border, and then I’ll start working the cross stitch in the middle. Once I get that done, I’ll revisit the wording on the outside again. I’d rather just floss toss against the piece being roughly finished, I think. Once I get my placement square and the first couple grasshoppers done for the visual cues, this will probably be a fairly quick stitch. It’s not a big piece.