WIPGO 2023 – Week 31 – Bag Ladies
You know when you have that project that has been in your stash for eons – for so long that you were pretty sure you’d already started it, but when it came up in your WIPGO project list – you discovered that no… you had never put a single stitch into it?
Just me? Oh.

This kit has been in my stash forever. Pretty sure I bought it when it first came out because… cats. Naturally. Also pretty sure I probably picked it up at a Michaels or Joann’s, because by the time this was published, I don’t think the store in Arlington, Mass still existed and I hadn’t discovered other stores thein. This kit was published in 1999. At that time I was still too afraid to try stitching on linen – so anything Aida and cats? Yep… bring unto me.
My stitching has come a looooong way since then, hasn’t it?
Well – I still enjoy some classics. So despite having not started it, I decided not to swap it out with another piece in progress and just dive in. What the heck – I’ve been pretty good this year with starts. And I just had two finishes last month (that I know I haven’t posted yet… they’re coming!). Time to treat myself with an easy-to-see one and go “Old School.”

The greenish tinge you see at the top right of the photograph isn’t on the fabric – it’s the reflection of a green poly envelope like what I used to keep all of my WIPs and kitted projects in before I discovered zipper pouches. I’m now in the process of moving anything that’s fully kitted out of the poly envelopes because they have gaps. I’ll use the poly envelopes only to keep multi-part charts together going forward.
I have absolutely no timeline to finish this one. It’s kinda funny that it was not only not started – it’s been on my WIP list for years! No idea how… but it’s going to finally be started now! 🙂
Oh, fun! This way, you get a new start without adding to your list, isn’t that great?
Kitties, they’re adorable! I’m looking forward to seeing this one come together.