WIPGO 2023 – Week 32 – Lavender Potpourri Sachet
Several years ago there was a lovely shop out in Western Massachusetts called Chris’ Collection. I was only able to visit it in person once – as she was starting to close down. But I enjoyed shopping with her in her pop-up shop at Sticher’s Hideaway several times in Mystic. I purchased this kit during one of my shopping adventures, although uncertain when I actually purchased it.

I know it’s not a clear photo, sorry. The actual photo is only about 2.5 inches square from the kit. It came with everything to make the sachet – fabric, floss, button, finishing ribbon, and the lavender filling. The project bag (and therefore the fabric) smell heavenly when I work on it because I keep everything together in the bag.
If I wanted to finish it as a box top, Olde Colonial sells the boxes separately. I haven’t decided which way I’m going to complete it, but I’m leaning toward the sachet. Acquiring a box if I go that route will not be difficult – Olde Colonial Designs runs the Celebration of Needlework retreat in Nashua, New Hampshire, and always sets up a big booth with all of the drool-worthy (and expensive!!) wooden boxes and frames for finishing.
I started this as part of the 2021 12×12 New Year’s Eve with Just Keep Stitchin’. I barely got anywhere that night, but I have worked on it since then – unlike some projects from that evening!

The border is over two threads. All of the letters are over one. And the letters are stitched in a couple of different colors, which is why there are some gaps. I was working everything in one color above the central divider line.
It’s a pretty little piece and will move quickly once I get that over-one stitching in for the alphabet. There are some other specialty stitches here and there, but none that I haven’t worked in other projects.
I don’t have a timeline to complete this one, but I imagine it will be a late this year/sometime early next year finish. It all depends on when I finish I Love New England – which will become my big project focus in the very near future.
That must smell sooo nice! What a cute little design.
Chris was wonderful and I loved going to her shop when I lived in Western Mass. She was she a treasure!! You brought back wonderful memories.