WIPGO 2023 – Week 33 – Supernatural
Witchy Stitcher has offered a spooky mystery stitch-a-long for the past few years. Two things are certain with her designs – 1) the individual pieces are going to be reasonably sized sections (except maybe the border), and 2) you need to have a good supply of DMC 310. Preferably via a cone, which she has nicknamed the Cone of Doom.
No really – you need a Cone of Doom. 🙂 I happen to have the larger cone, which had approximately 1.3 miles of DMC black on it when new. I think I’ve maybe used sixty yards of it so far.

Supernatural was the 2022 stitch-a-long, a companion piece to Cryptids the year before. I purchased both, but decided to stitch on Supernatural first. I’ll be using the same fabric for both pieces so they’re true companions when framed. I started it on October 10th of last year for the #13StitchesofHalloween SAL.

As you can see, it’s a dense border. Not difficult to stitch, but I didn’t get too far because I was a bit burnt out on black last autumn after pushing to finish Witches Wheel. Now that I’ve had some time off from solid black, I’m ready to get back to it. 🙂
A couple things I am planning to customize in this piece – I’m going to recolor the Banshee to look like one from World of Warcraft, in homage of my many years of playing the game. I’m also going to recolor the Angel so it looks like a Weeping Angel from Doctor Who. I’m pretty certain that others who have stitched this have already done the same, so hopefully they’ve shared their conversions in the SAL Facebook page. I’ve also seen a conversion for the Changeling baby basket to the Doctor’s crib. Not sure if I’ll do that or not, although the Doctor definitely is a Changeling… of sorts! 🙂
Once I get the left border done, I’ll begin working the individual blocks to ensure I have the width correct. I really don’t want to do that entire border and be off.
No timeline to finish this one. It’ll get done when it gets done!
This is a really fun design! I have yet to stitch one of Witchy Stitcher’s bigger pieces but she has a lot of great ones.