WIPGO 2023 – Week 34 – Bird ‘n Berry Box
Things have been a little crazy here in Measiland in recent weeks, and I misplaced this project, throwing my whole updating mojo into a funk. But it’s been found! So now catching up on some much-needed WIPGO. Backdating some entries to keep them in proper sequence 🙂 – Mel
Like everything else in 2020, stitching retreats and conventions were cancelled or at least indefinitely “postponed.” Celebration of Needlework, which usually occurs in May, was one of those conventions. The organizers of the convention wanted to try to get it going in person anyway late that summer, but the understandable push-back from the attendees forced it into a virtual retreat. They managed to do some remote sales via Zoom, and also had classes. Was it ideal? Not really… but it worked. And it’s how my next piece came into my WIP pile.
Bird ‘n Berry Box by Barbara Jackson was a class offered that year at Celebration. It’s a multi-piece set of smalls consisting of a strawberry, a scissor fob, a needle book, and a little box to hold the three pieces.

Barbara organized this kit beautifully for the class – each individual small was kitted by itself with the fabric and instructions in a pattern sleeve, including anything needed to finish that specific piece. The thread was on a collective labeled punched sheet. All of the finishing instructions are included with diagrams and photos. The little box and the red scissors are also included.
Three years on, I don’t really recall most of the class – but I know we were all awkward and trying to figure out now to navigate Zoom for classes at that point. It has blurred into that craziness that was Covid internet times. But I do remember she was very pleasant and willing to take any questions. The stitching is straight forward – lots of queen stitches with the strawberries, but otherwise mostly standard crosses.

I have the front and finishing outline of the needlecase done except for the beads. The piece I’m working on now is the top of the box. This stalled because I couldn’t find either small hoops or my stretcher bar pins. I don’t work well in hand, and was finding queen stitches in hand to be pretty brutal. BUT… I’ve since found the pins, so I can get this going again.
There isn’t a whole ton of stitching – I think the time is really going to be spent in the finishing here. But it will be a cute little set that’s the perfect size to keep with me when I’m curled up stitching!
I have this on my goal list to finish by the end of this year. At this point, I don’t think I’ll quite make it with other stuff I want to accomplish… but it will definitely be done within the next few months.