WIPGO 2023 – Week 36 – Blessed Be
After I finished Witches Wheel last year, I realized I had no Halloween-themed cross stitch going. How on earth did that happen? It’s my favorite holiday of the year! I quickly resolved that issue by joining the Black Needle Society’s #13StitchesofHalloween stitch-a-long last October, tossing several new Halloween charts into the mix.

One of the pieces I found that I really loved was this simple little sampler with one of the most common of Pagan phrases, Blessed Be. Cute, autumn-ey, and just easy to stitch. Exactly what I was looking for!
I started it on October 2, 2022. It got a bit of work for the SAL, but then fell into the background as other projects took over my time. It sadly did not get much work on it last year, and it’s been stuck since then. Thankfully WIPGO and the Semi Sane Stitcher game Go Fish should help me get this moving a bit!

I’m using an ornament cut I received in one of my monthly club ships from Fortnight Fabric last year – they sent three cuts perfect for ornaments and super small pieces (9×13 inches… ish) every month. My choice was 36 count linen. It’s a soft neutral with hints of light pumpkin orange in it. Perfect for an autumn piece.
Since I’m doing this post late and backdating it, I’ll show the progress I made thanks to the Semi Sane Stitchers Go Fish game. B was called multiple times. 🙂

Much more established now! 🙂 I’d thought to push this one to a finish this year, but I think it will become a goal for 2024. A nice finish to complete before the autumn season!