WIPocalypse – 2025 Kick-off!
Hi everyone!

So… I went to get this post up and realized – I forgot to post the December Wrap Up entry! EEP! I’m so sorry! I had it in drafts but never set the posting date. My family returned from our trip down to Florida to visit my mom for Christmas week, and I was so out of it on the Sunday we got back that I totally forgot. Needless to say, it’s up now! I’ll be keeping it active until the January Check-in post goes live at the end of this month. (hangs head in shame)
I seriously cannot believe it’s 2025. We’re a quarter-century into the 2000s! How did this happen? Wasn’t it just yesterday that we were dealing with Y2K? The years go fast, or my brain is stuck somewhere in the past. Or both. I’m not sure. But here we are… time to start a new year with new goals and new hopes and dreams, both in our lives and in our stitching. I’ve promised myself to blog and film Flosstubes more often. I actually have the outlines of a schedule for them!
Onto the topic at hand – if you’re new to WIPocalypse… welcome! We’re glad to have you! If you’re returning – oh HAI! So happy you’re continuing this weird little project with me. 🙂 As always, remember that this is a project for fun. If you can’t participate for a while, that’s cool. If you’re too busy – no problem! If you lose your stiching mojo – trust me, we’ve all been there. Jump in and out as your life allows. WIPocalypse started when there weren’t a ton of general stitching challenges out there and the Facebook groups that now are so dominant were essentially non-existent, and it’s always intended to be low-key, low-stress, and just “hooray – look at my progress!” with no other expectations. It absolutely can be combined with any other challenges you have going. Just tack us on as an extra accomplishment in your cap. (grin) Some more competitive stitchers may ask what’s the point of it all – but that’s just it… WIPocalypse has never really had a point, other than to be a space where stitchers can celebrate making progress on their pieces. So come on in, grab a comfy spot to stitch, and share your progress with us.
May your stitchy 2025 be a happy one!
Important SAL Announcements…
Question of the Month:Â Â Introduce yourself, your projects, and any goals you have for the year!
Next posting date:Â January 26, 2025
Topic(s) for next time: Tell us about the oldest WIP you have in your stash.
Need all the basic info about the SAL? GO HERE for all details for 2025!
Please remember that this stitch-a-long is intended to be fun – so if you’re too busy to post, too busy/ill/etc. to stitch – no worries! Post when you can and share what you have going, even if you’ve only been able to toss a single stitch into it. If you miss a few months, not a problem – just jump back in when you’re back with us! It’s not a race or a competition – we’re all just here to cheer each other on with our progress.
Thank you for another year. This is the first year I have decided to join in, but I have been following quite a few of the participants’ progress for some time. Here’s to a new year of challenge and progress.
Best wishes to all for a great Wipocalypse year! Your quarter-century comment just stunned me, my brain didn’t make the connection… already 25 you’re sure? Anyway Happy New Year and Happy stitching! Love xxx