Stitching WIPocalypse

WIPocalypse Check-in Post #3

Hello again everybody!

I hope February was a productive month for you all with your projects.  I’ve seen some gorgeous work from so many of you as I’ve been browsing blogs!

Looking forward to seeing what you have done in the past month!

Important SAL announcements

Please Label Your Posts -(just a reminder)  Either with the title of WIPocalypse check-in, a category, or a tag/label you have for posts – so I can find it.

Join Us at the Forum – If you’d like to get to know some of your fellow stitchers and share on a more active basis, come join us over at the WIPocalypse forums!  There’s a weekly Monday update thread, and you can chat about whatever stitching you have going at any time.  There are even several designer-specific stitch-a-longs going on, if you’re looking for people who are working on similar projects for some mutual support.

Check-in Totals – Starting next month, I’ll start adding the number of check-in totals I have per person to the participant page. I’m running a bit behind, but hope to have this up to date by the end of March.

Cut-off date for this Full Moon – to have your post count toward THIS full-moon’s stash drawing credit, you must have it posted no later than March 31st.


Please remember that this stitch-a-long is intended to be fun – so if you’re too busy to post, too busy/ill/etc. to stitch – no worries.  Post when you can and share what you have going, even if you’ve only been able to toss a single stitch into it.  It’s not a race or a competition – we’re all just here to cheer each other on with our progress.  🙂

I know some stitchers were having some difficulty with my blog commenting system when signing up, so I want to try to make this a bit easier/more accessible for everyone.  You can check in in one of three ways:

  • Auto linky form (you’ll see that below)
  • Via comments (make sure you include your blog address!)
  • Via email – to measiwitch(at), only if the other two options do not work.  Again- make sure you include your blog address.  I’ll add your post to the auto-linky if I receive it this way to confirm I received it.

Happy stitching everyone!
