WIPocalypse Check-In Post #5
Happy May everyone! Can you believe we’re already on month #5? This year is absolutely flying.
I’ve been hearing from several stitchers how they’re making great progress this month, and I’m thrilled that the SAL is working so well for so many people! I’ve had a couple folks ask if I’d be interested in continuing the project next year, and the answer is very likely yes, although it probably won’t quite have the pun-ney impact that it does for 2012 and the whole end of the world.
I had the pleasure of meeting Carol from Stitching ‘n Stashing at Celebration of Needlework last week, as well as a few people I’ve known for years on stitching message boards. I continue to be amazed how small the world is, and how these little connections via the internet turn into bigger connections, whether quick in-person meetings, or more long-lasting community like the one I’ve started to form with the women I stitched with that Saturday.
Hopefully I’ll have the opportunity to meet more of you over the years!
Important SAL announcements
Problem with the Auto-Linky in April – Several stitchers mentioned having trouble with the auto linky form last month. I tested it with a few links, and it was working fine on my end… but I know the internet is full of tempermental things and don’t doubt there were some problems. For this month, I’m removing the auto form. A new update to WordPress this week has some of my blog plugins not working, and the linky form is one of them. So please add a comment – and if that doesn’t work, drop me an email (see the bottom of the post).
Cut off Date for this Full Moon – is May 31st. Please feel free to link your post anytime between now and then for it to count toward the drawing!
Stash box – I’ve started a page on my blog for a listing of the stash that will be in the drawing at the end of the year. Carol gave me a bag of some great goodies to include, and a couple other stitchers have sent items as well. If you are interested in contributing to the stash box, please drop me an email at measiwitch(at)gmail.com, and I’ll give you my address. Please read through the information at the bottom of the FAQ for the types of items I’ll accept toward the drawing. You’ll get full credit for your contributions. 🙂
Upcoming Olympic Stitching – a couple of the message boards I belong to are involved in different stitch-a-long challenges for the Olympics, and I think I may adapt some of those as a fun mix-it-up challenge for the summer. If you’ve ever been part of one and would like to recommend a specific Olympic-themed challenge that worked great for you, I’d love to adopt it for the group! Just add a comment or email me.
Please remember that this stitch-a-long is intended to be fun – so if you’re too busy to post, too busy/ill/etc. to stitch – no worries. Post when you can and share what you have going, even if you’ve only been able to toss a single stitch into it. It’s not a race or a competition – we’re all just here to cheer each other on with our progress. 🙂
I know some stitchers were having some difficulty with my blog commenting system when signing up, so I want to try to make this a bit easier/more accessible for everyone. You can check in in one of two ways:
- Via comments (make sure you include your blog address!)
- Via email – to measiwitch(at)gmail.com, only if the comments are not working. Again- make sure you include your blog address!
Happy stitching everyone!